We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?
Solar farms and roof or ground mounted installations of solar PV panels are becoming extremely popular due to their attractive returns. Annual rents for large scale solar farm sites of a minimum of 25 acres at approximately £1,000 per acre are achievable over a 25 year lease period.
Having successfully delivered planning consent on what was then the UK’s largest solar farm, combined with our involvement in finding other suitable sites and with a number of ground and roof-mounted solar PV schemes in operation, we are very well placed to advise on the options available in this growth sector.
Careful consideration needs to be given to a wide range of issues ranging from overall viability, grid capacity and connectivity through to early engagement with community groups to assist the planning process. We are also frequently involved in negotiating heads of terms on behalf of our clients and dealing with exclusivity agreements, options and lease documentation.
If you have been approached by developers for a solar farm or think you may have a suitable site or building for a smaller scheme, then please call us to discuss your project in more detail.
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