We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?
Neighbourhood plans contain policies devised and delivered by the community that, when adopted, carry legal weight as part of the local development plan. They can influence how much new development comes forward in a village or parish, where it is delivered and what it may look like.
We have significant first-hand experience of neighbourhood planning and the ways in which it provides new opportunities to both communities and landowners alike. We are able to provide advice to all parties seeking to get involved in the neighbourhood planning process.
Our expertise allows us to provide strong guidance to parishes on how to engage with developers, produce well-worded policies and succeed at examination. We offer a full review service of all aspects of the plan making process and can provide pre-emptive advice on every potential issue communities may encounter along the way.
Conversely we are able to clearly explain the opportunities presented by neighbourhood planning to landowners. Based on our team’s lengthy experience of working with parish councils we can then advise on how to engage communities to enable the successful promotion of land through their planning process. As part of our service we offer representation at local meetings, ongoing liaison with plan makers and detailed submissions towards all stages of consultation.
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