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There are a number of major infrastructure projects planned in our region. Some of these will have a significant effect on the landscape in coming years and have implications for our clients’ landholdings.
Key projects planned or underway are:
Oxford to Cambridge Expressway
Two viable options for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway are currently being considered and an announcement is expected autumn 2019 with the preferred route due to be confirmed in autumn 2020.
East/West Rail (western section): Bicester – Bletchley
A Public Inquiry was held in relation to the Transport and Works Application for construction works to re-open the western section of the East/West Rail link and it is anticipated that a Transport and Works Act Order will be confirmed in due course.
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme
Works continue on this stretch of the A14 and it is expected to be fully operational by end of 2020.
Northampton Strategic Rail Freight Interchange
A Public Examination closed in April 2019 and the examining authority will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State in October 2019.
A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet Road
Consultation on the preferred route has now been completed and an updated design is in preparation.
A421 Eagle Farm Roundabout, Milton Keynes to Junction 13 M1 Link Road
Works commenced in spring 2019 to dual this section of the A421 link road which are due for completion late 2020.
We will continue to monitor progress on the projects and provide updates when significant changes are made.
If you would like more information or to find out how we can help you if you feel that any of the infrastructure projects will affect you, please contact Andrew.
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