We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?
We are delighted to announce that Tessa Smith joined us this month as Commercial Property Surveyor.
After graduating from Harper Adams University with a BSc (Hons) in Rural Enterprise and Land Management, Tessa then worked for a national telecoms company as a Graduate Commercial Property Surveyor where she became a Chartered Surveyor. She then spent the last 18 months working for a commercial surveying firm in London.
Determined to grow and develop her knowledge of the property industry, she decided to join Robinson & Hall as we deal with a variety of property types including residential, commercial and rural.
Tessa works across all commercial fields but is currently focusing on property management, lettings and disposals.
In her spare time, Tessa has a hands-on role managing her and her partner’s flock of pedigree Suffolk and Texel sheep, walking her dogs and exploring different parts of the world.
To find out how our Commercial Property department can help you, please call Tessa.
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