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Land and Property Professionals

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“I am looking forward to broadening my experience and providing sound, professional advice to the local rural community.”
Alice Brodie BSc (Hons) MSc MRICS FAAV
Associate & Rural Chartered Surveyor
01234 362921
07471 630381

Alice joined Robinson & Hall in September 2021 as a Rural Chartered Surveyor working in our busy Rural Property & Business department. She brings a good deal of experience having spent five years working for a national surveying firm in Hertfordshire.

At Robinson & Hall Alice deals with local landowners and farmers regarding a wide range of areas within farm and estate management, including professional and tenancy matters. She is looking forward to broadening her experience and expertise, providing sound professional advice for the local rural community.

Alice became a RICS Registered Valuer in November 2021. In July 2024 Alice was promoted to Associate.

Outside of work, Alice enjoys playing sport, including hockey and netball and is keen to get into triathlons, gardening and finishing off the work to her new house. She has also been a member of Bedfordshire Young Farmers and now holds the role of County Efficiency Judge, travelling the County meeting all the members.

Qualifications & Achievements
BSc (Hons) Geography
MSc Rural Land and Business Management
Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV)
RICS Registered Valuer