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Whilst the Government’s announcement last week had a dramatic impact for domestic properties, there was no such U-turn for commercial property landlords.
If you are a commercial landlord, the legislation has not changed. Since April this year, it has been unlawful to receive rent for a property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of F or G. There are financial penalties for landlords not complying with the legislation, therefore it is critical you carry out a review of your property portfolio to ensure all your properties exceed the minimum EPC rating of E.
We also know that the Government’s future target is for all commercial property to be upgraded to an EPC grade B by 2030. It is therefore still critical for all commercial property owners not to rest easy and still investigate ways of futureproofing their assets.
Please refer to our previous articles for details of how to review your EPC, various potential exemptions and the measures you can easily take here.
We know that both the requirements for EPCs and the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards legislation is very challenging and confusing to some landlords.
Please contact us to ensure you plan ahead to review how energy efficient your buildings are and to agree how best to ensure the minimum grades can be achieved. We can’t always predict future legislative changes, however we can help to ensure your buildings meet the minimum standards, not only for now but also futureproofing for years to come.
For more information or to find out how we can help, please contact Robert Franklin.
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