We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?
In light of recent developments relating to the COVID-19 virus, we are setting out the steps we are taking to ensure that business continues as normally as possible in these unprecedented times, whilst also protecting the health of our staff, clients and preventing the spread of the virus.
In order to avoid spreading the virus, we are taking the following steps:
1. Improving hygiene measures within our offices and requiring staff to follow official Government guidance to work from home where this is possible; The offices will remain open for those staff that are unable to work from home and to enable post to be received and distributed.
2. Requiring staff with COVID-19 symptoms or anyone in their household with symptoms to stay at home in accordance with Government guidance.
3. Requiring staff returning from abroad to self-isolate in accordance with Government guidance.
4. Postponing all non-essential meetings and seeking to deal with matters by other methods, such as correspondence or telephone/video conferencing.
5. If meetings are essential then a pre-screening exercise will be carried out in advance.
6. Restricting visitors to our offices to those with a prior appointment and in those cases, pre-screening visitors.
Much of the professional work that we carry out can be done remotely by email and telephone. Documents are stored electronically, and we have a robust, stable, remote access system. Where staff are working from home, we are confident that there will be no disruption to service levels. You are able to find comprehensive contact details for staff members via our meet the team page.
The UK situation is evolving very fast. You can continue to contact us in the usual way, and we will deliver the high level of service you expect.
We would appreciate your co-operation and understanding at this difficult time and our thoughts are with those affected by the virus both in the UK and around the world.
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