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Since the Government announced its target to be net zero by 2050, it has introduced various measures as part of its roadmap to reach its goal. However, you ask people about the Heat and Buildings Strategy (the critical document relating to reaching minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) levels) and people just look at you blankly!
Everyone wants to contribute towards being more energy efficient but there is a wealth of information out there and much conflicting advice, which just leads to confusion.
“Should I get a gas boiler while I can?”
“Should I invest in a new air source heat pump?”
“What can I do with my own property to help climate change?”
“Should I join the solar revolution?”
There are lots of questions and the general impression is that there is not enough public knowledge and awareness on how to make changes to their property so that it complies.
All commercial landlords should be checking the EPC ratings of their properties as this will help them decide if they are going to arrange for energy efficiency upgrades, or sell the property before the Government legislation tightens. We are also hearing of many financial institutions restricting lending, as they take into consideration any poorly rated EPC properties in a landlord’s portfolio. This is not only for new lending but also placing a much greater emphasis on only energy efficient properties when refinancing existing loans.
With more and more emphasis on energy efficiency and achieving minimum EPC ratings, there is a great opportunity to plan sensible improvements and ensure you don’t get left behind.
Property leases are already changing to reflect more efficient buildings and the cost of energy is still very high. It’s critical you obtain the correct advice. Please also see the link to our previous article here on why it makes sense to review your commercial EPC now.
If you require help on how to review your commercial EPC and the changes you need to make so you don’t get caught out, then please give Robert Franklin, Head of Architecture & Building Surveying, a call on 01234 362917 or email rjf@robinsonandhall.co.uk
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