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All land claimed under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) is subject to the rules of cross compliance. It is the claimant’s responsibility to ensure they do not breach any of the statutory management requirements or standards for Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions. The Rural Payment Agency (RPA) penalises claimants who breach these rules. Penalties vary depending on the severity but can be up to 100% of the claimant’s BPS payment.
There is still some confusion over hedge cutting. The three key hedge cutting dates for BPS claimants are:
Guidance defines a hedge as: “…a boundary line of bushes which can include trees.” The guidance specifies a hedge is protected if it is:
Claimants can apply to the RPA for derogation to allow hedges to be cut from 1st August if the hedges in question are in fields being sown with oilseed rape or temporary grassland in August. Applications are usually processed in 15 working days but those considering applying for derogation should do so as soon as they can.
There are exemptions where a hedge can be cut (with permission from the RPA) for safety reasons during the closed period if it is:
For further guidance on cross compliance rules, please refer to the GOV.UK website.
Please keep in mind that between 1st September and the end of February, although hedges may be cut, this must be in accordance with the Hedgerow Regulations 1997.
For further information or to discuss any of these points please contact Bruce Holley, Rural Surveyor.
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