Tag: why use us

Land and Property Professionals

We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?

Bedford: 01234 351000 (Sales, lettings and viewing enquiries)
01234 352201 (Professional services and general enquiries)
Buckingham: 01280 428010

There are a wide range of benefits when using a commercial property agent, such as Robinson & Hall, to assist you with the disposal of a property, by lease or sale, or when acquiring a property, either as a purchaser or a tenant. We have detailed a number of these key advantages below.

Selling/letting your property

We offer a no obligation market appraisal where we will visit the property and then provide advice to you on the best methods of marketing the property, timing and the potential sale price or rent.

Once you have decided to sell/let your property we will advise on what pre-marketing works need to be completed to maximise the value and how to set a property up for marketing, We will assist with taking photos of the property to present it in the best light and prepare a professional and detailed set of marketing particulars. All of this helps to ensure you get the best out of your sale/letting.

These include advice on:

Our properties are marketed on a variety of online property portals which increases the property’s exposure to interested parties.

We send properties to suitable applicants on our database. Sometimes this means we can find a buyer/tenant prior to launching the property to the open market.

We carry out reference checks on all tenants to ensure their financial position will enable them to cover the rent.

Property Searches

As well as assisting in the sale or letting of commercial properties we also regularly carry out property searches for those looking to purchase or rent a property. The benefit of using an agent in these instances are as follows:

Key benefits for both parties

For more information or to find out how our Commercial Property Services department can help you please contact Tessa Smith.

When putting your property on the rental market, the first task is choosing a lettings agent to suit you. Anyone looking to let their property often has to decide between a smaller independent agency that specialises in the area or a much larger corporate agency.

Independent agencies are able to give you a more bespoke and personal service, tailored to suit your particular needs. For example, marketing a property and giving efficient feedback is imperative in the first stages of renting your property. Smaller agencies that specialise in a specific area are able to provide a much more in-depth understanding of the rental market in that particular region, rather than a corporate company using a generic template.

The benefits of using Robinson & Hall, which is an independent agency, include: –

For more information or to book a no obligation lettings appraisal, please call 01234 351000 or email lettings@robinsonandhall.co.uk