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Office to residential conversions
2 December 2020

Robinson & Hall has advised commercial owners and tenants on how to make the most of their commercial properties for generations, whether it be by carrying out pre-purchase surveys, schedules of condition, landlord and tenant advice, finding new tenants or adapting to suit commercial tenant requirements by extending or altering premises.

Opportunities are currently available to consider diversification of office portfolios to increase value and find a use for commercial assets.

We have recently been involved in development opportunities where commercial office space in town centre environments is being converted to residential use where commercial tenants have been hard to attract and market rents have lagged.

We carry out a full range of services and can often offer a fully encompassing fee structure to handle a scheme from inception through to completion.

How can we help?

Our team has:

  • Surveyed commercial properties.
  • Prepared feasibility assessments.
  • Carried out measured surveys.
  • Prepared plans and elevation as existing and detailed sketch schemes for conversion.
  • Prepared the planning application documentation including comprehensive design and access statements to enable the local authority to assess the proposal against the local and national planning policies.

An example an in-town development saw 91m² of first floor storage space above a retail property granted consent for a residential flat under Class O of The General Permitted Development Order (GDPO).

Class O of the GDPO is available to convert offices to any number of dwellings; these can be houses or flats. The prior approval process is available to properties in conservation areas but not in certain specified protected areas including Listed buildings. This order allows the change of use of offices to residential, however if building operations are required this will also require a separate planning consent.

In addition to the need to ensure adequate daylight, with effect from 6th April 2021 the GPDO will not permit any residential conversion where the gross internal floor area is less than 37 m² in size, or which does not comply with the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS).

For advice or to pursue a scheme to convert office space to residential please contact David Sawford, Partner & Chartered Building Surveyor on 01234 362909 or email

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