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How is COVID 19 affecting the construction industry?
23 February 2021

The last twelve months has seen a turbulent time for the construction industry (as with most sectors) with the effects of COVID 19 being felt, causing staffing interruptions and material availability issues.

It was well publicised that the national housebuilders took the decision to shut construction sites in the first lockdown of 2020 and many suppliers and smaller contractors followed their lead. The supply chain has taken some time to recover.

The industry gradually restarted but some interruption is still happening with intermittent staffing issues due to self-isolation and home-schooling. Material availability has become easier but longer lead times on some materials is occurring, which has been compounded by uncertainty and more bureaucracy being experienced in the short-term resulting from Brexit.

What has happened at Robinson & Hall?

At Robinson & Hall we have continued to assist clients with their projects, fed a steady flow to the local planning authorities, prepared working drawings and sent work for tender.

What can we offer?

We can offer a one-stop shop for project design, planning applications and advice, construction drawings, specification and tendering of construction works, project management and contract administration.

We currently have in excess of three million pounds of construction work which we are project managing on site. This work has not been immune to the construction industry delays but with careful planning, the works have been able to move forward to minimise delays and additional costs.

What to do if you have a potential project?

If you have a potential project, then please be aware that under the current COVID 19 and early Brexit transition conditions, some delays are being experienced so planning for this at an early stage is advised. We will be happy to discuss and help you to plan for your project.

For more information or to find out how we can help you, please contact David Sawford.

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