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Changes ahead for planning
31 January 2023

There is currently a consultation underway on proposed revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) that have been put forward by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The consultation began on 22nd December 2022 and will continue to run until 2nd March 2023.

Key revisions proposed to the NPPF are as follows:

  • Changes to the tests of soundness for plan making;
  • Greater protection for the Green Belt;
  • Removal of requirement for Local Authorities to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply;
  • Reference to older people to be widened to include retirement housing, housing with care and care homes when establishing housing need;
  • Reference to approving extended duration of existing renewable development;
  • Boosting of the status of Neighbourhood Plans;
  • Confirmation that the standard methodology is an advisory starting point for establishing a housing requirement;
  • Transition arrangements for both plan making and decision making;
  • Past over-delivery deduction from the housing requirement figures in new plans;
  • Additional references to supporting ‘beauty’ in design and placemaking and stronger emphasis on local design codes throughout.

It is understood that the Government will respond to the consultation immediately in the spring and the NPPF revisions will be published as part of this exercise.

For more information, please contact Shannon Fuller, Planner at Robinson & Hall, on 01234 362913 or email

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