Tag: robinson and hall auctions

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David Jones, Auctioneer at Robinson & Hall Auctions, provides a summary of what to expect at the August auction.

David comments about the auction market: “Obviously, I am a passionate advocate for auction sales. The speed, competition and certainty of the process suits most properties and most sellers. The transparency and the lack of fuss gives confidence to buyers.

Nevertheless, there are times in the property cycle when auction sales really come into their own. This is just such a time.

The market remains keen, but it is also cautious. There are plenty with cash looking for investments, but we all know that those needing to borrow will be less competitive. Everybody still wants to press on with selling and buying, but nobody wants to make a wrong move. Business goes on, with care.

We saw this in action at our June auction sale where the crowd in the saleroom was the largest since lockdown, and bidding for sensibly priced lots was enthusiastic. All bar two lots were sold on the day of the sale, but both those lots were sold a few days later to give an overall record of 100%. Both sellers and buyers walked away happy with their trades.

Our August sale looks to be equally popular, with more lots entered than for some time. We offer the usual mix of development projects, investment opportunities and land.”

We shall be pleased to see you in the saleroom on 3rd August. The auction takes place at 2.30 pm at the Delta Marriott Hotel, Milton Keynes. The catalogue can be downloaded here. Please join us on the livestream link if you are unable to attend in person, but do not forget to register with us beforehand if you intend to bid via livestream. Full details are available on our website.

We are now taking lots for our next auction. To find out if your land or property is suitable or to book a free, no obligation auction appraisal, then please call 01234 362899 or email auctions@robinsonandhall.co.uk