We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?
New statistics show that average rents across the country have risen sharply with demand outstripping supply, resulting in record rents for landlords. Average rents across the country have risen to £1,278 per calendar month outside of London, which now means on average rents have increased by 10% from last year.
Robinson & Hall has found that many tenants are relocating from London to live in rural areas for lifestyle reasons, being able to work from home being one of the main factors. This therefore results in them being able to afford a better property than they would have if they stayed in the region.
Is your property winter ready?
With winter around the corner, we have made it our priority to inspect the properties we manage to ensure they are winter ready. We have supplied tenants with maintenance advice to minimise the risk of issues arising, in addition to keeping the landlord informed of the condition of their property by supplying a detailed inspection report.
Checklist for landlords during the winter months:
Included within our managed service, we supply tenants with an out of hours emergency telephone number, which is monitored by a member of our knowledgeable lettings team, meaning all emergency issues can be dealt with swiftly.
For more information or to book a no obligation lettings appraisal to find out what rent your property could achieve, please call me.
Our residential lettings department has a new Head of Residential Lettings, Calum Weaver, who joined Robinson & Hall in December 2022.
Originally from London, Calum has previous experience in working for both corporate and independent estate agencies and has worked with a range of clients and a wide variety of residential properties. He then moved to Bedford to gain experience as a Business Development Manager looking after the lettings department for several offices across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.
Calum manages the Residential Lettings team at Robinson & Hall and is responsible for maintaining our large portfolio of lettings properties and ensuring that our landlords and tenants are provided with outstanding advice and customer service. His goal is to develop strong relationships with our landlords and continue to develop his knowledge in this ever-changing industry.
In his spare time, Calum enjoys travelling, landscape photography and is a keen footballer.
If you are considering letting your property, would like to find out about the service we provide and obtain a free lettings appraisal on your property, then please contact Calum on 01234 362930 or email crfw@robinsonandhall.co.uk
Over the last ten years there have been changes to, or implementation of, over 175 sections of the regulations affecting the private rental sector. At Robinson & Hall Residential Lettings, we pride ourselves on being up to date with current legislation and best practice. We hold the ARLA Propertymark and as a firm are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Our lettings team’s top 5 tips for compliance and a seamless tenancy in 2022 are:
Following the UK’s departure from the EU, we can no longer rely on a European Economic Area (EEA) passport or a National ID Card to prove a person’s right to rent in the UK. Evidence of their immigration status must be obtained through the Home Office online service which stipulates their status and the expiry. It is therefore essential the checks are conducted throughout the tenancy.
The new Code paves the way for the introduction of certified digital Identity Service Providers (IDSPs) which will run digital identity checks for British and Irish citizens as part of the Home Office’s introduction of the Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT) framework.
Adjusted checks, following on from COVID19, using video calls will continue to be accepted until 30th September 2022.
Landlords will have until 2026 to ensure all their rental properties achieve band C on the EPC before letting the property. For existing tenancies, the landlord will have until 2028 to meet the requirement.
Landlords under the current minimum rating of E need to invest only up to a maximum of £3,500 which means rental properties can still be let out despite being below an E rating.
The penalty for not having a valid EPC will also be raised from £5,000 to £30,000 from 2025.
All landlords will also now be obliged to ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is installed in any room of their properties where there is a fixed combustion appliance (including a gas boiler). Where a new fixed combustion appliance is installed, a carbon monoxide alarm will be required to be installed by law. Gas cooker appliances are excluded from the new rules.
With rents continuing to rise, it is good practice to decorate your rental properties every five years to ensure maximum rents can be achieved.
Did you know that anyone can open an agency without having qualifications, experience or knowledge? Therefore, it is extremely important to choose an agent which is regulated by a respected industry body and has a proven track record of letting and managing properties within the area.
For more information or to book a no obligation lettings appraisal, please contact Yasmine.
Over the last ten years there have been changes to, or implementation of, over 175 sections of the regulations affecting the Private Rental Sector. At Robinson & Hall Residential Lettings, we pride ourselves on being up to date with current legislation and best practice. We hold the ARLA Propertymark and as a firm are regulated by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Our lettings team top 5 tips for compliance and a seamless tenancy in 2022 are:
Following the UK’s departure from the EU, we can no longer rely on a European Economic Area (EEA) passport or a National ID Card to prove a person’s right to rent in the UK. Evidence of their immigration status must be obtained through the Home Office online service which stipulates their status and the expiry. It is therefore essential the checks are conducted throughout the tenancy.
Landlords will have until 2026 to ensure all their rental properties achieve band C on the EPC before letting the property. For existing tenancies, the landlord will have until 2028 to meet the requirement.
All landlords will also now be obliged to ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is installed in any room of their homes where there is a fixed combustion appliance (including a gas boiler). Where a new fixed combustion appliance is installed, a carbon monoxide alarm will be required to be installed by law. Gas cooker appliances are excluded from the new rules.
With rental market prices continuing to rise, it is good practice to decorate your rental properties every 5 years. This will almost guarantee a yearly increase as well as satisfied tenants.
Did you know, anyone can open an agency without having qualifications, experience or knowledge? Therefore, it is extremely important to choose an agent which is regulated by a respected industry body and has a proven track record of letting and managing properties within the area.
For more information or to book a no obligation lettings appraisal, please contact 01234 351000 option 1.
Our Residential Lettings department has been working tirelessly to implement new software systems to overcome the challenges that Covid-19 has brought to the industry.
One of the main issues to overcome was how to move people into their new homes with minimum contact throughout the process. We have therefore introduced the following new processes:
Jennifer Holbrow, Head of Residential Lettings, comments “The systems we have invested in are extremely simple and easy to use and provide both landlords and tenants with the same excellent service as pre-Covid-19. They enable us as agents to maintain our promise to look after both the property and our clients.”
To book a free, no obligation lettings appraisal to find out what rental value your property could achieve please contact 01234 351000 option 1 or email lettings@robinsonandhall.co.uk