Land and Property Professionals

We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?

Bedford: 01234 351000 (Sales, lettings and viewing enquiries)
01234 352201 (Professional services and general enquiries)
Buckingham: 01280 428010

Our Residential Lettings department has been working tirelessly to implement new software systems to overcome the challenges that Covid-19 has brought to the industry.

One of the main issues to overcome was how to move people into their new homes with minimum contact throughout the process. We have therefore introduced the following new processes:

Jennifer Holbrow, Head of Residential Lettings, comments “The systems we have invested in are extremely simple and easy to use and provide both landlords and tenants with the same excellent service as pre-Covid-19. They enable us as agents to maintain our promise to look after both the property and our clients.”

To book a free, no obligation lettings appraisal to find out what rental value your property could achieve please contact 01234 351000 option 1 or email lettings@robinsonandhall.co.uk