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The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has announced that five-year electrical installation checks on private rented housing in England will be mandatory.
The implementation date has not yet been confirmed but MHCLG has stated that it plans to introduce the legislation as soon as possible…
Despite reports of doom and gloom in the property market, the latest Auction House figures suggest that buying and selling through regional auctions has not been affected by Brexit.
Not only has the group – which operates as Auction House Robinson & Hall in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire – entered more lots into its first round of auctions than last year (802 compared to 754), but the first six sales of the year delivered an astonishing success rate of over 80%.
What has happened in the world of residential lettings over the last year and what is expected to happen in 2019?
Kellie Marsh, Residential Lettings Manager, shares all…
Lettings fees is a much talked about subject in the House of Lords. So it’s no surprise that the Tenant Fees Bill had its third reading.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has announced that the ban on tenant fees will apply to all tenancies commencing on or after 1st June 2019.
The Bill has passed all legislative stages in the House of Lords and has passed its final hurdle in the House of Commons so will now receive Royal Assent before becoming law…
Recent reports show that councils are not taking enough enforcement action against ‘rogue’ landlords. The Housing Minister, Heather Wheeler, has therefore announced that £2 million will go towards tackling this issue.
Councils will be able to bid for funding to step up enforcement action against irresponsible landlords. This is part of the Government action to increase standards in the private rented sector…
The Architecture & Building Surveying department at Robinson & Hall has successfully obtained planning consent for another exciting project in South Bedfordshire.
A detailed building survey was carried out and although the building was generally sound, this identified several essential repairs to address roof leaks. The clients also wanted to use the opportunity to reconfigure some of their internal accommodation…
What did and did not happen in 2018 and what changes are ahead in the world of planning and development in 2019?
2018 saw several changes to the planning system:
All land claimed under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) is subject to the rules of cross compliance. It is the claimant’s responsibility to ensure they do not breach any of the statutory management requirements or standards for Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions. The Rural Payment Agency (RPA) penalises claimants who breach these rules. Penalties vary depending on the severity but can be up to 100% of the claimant’s BPS payment…
Leading property auctioneer Auction House – which has a franchise operated by Robinson & Hall – has reported increased sales for 2018 of 6.9%, raising a total of over £455m (£455,131,080), a record amount in the 11 year history of the group…