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Land and Property Professionals

We sell, rent, manage, survey, plan and advise...what can we do for you?

Bedford: 01234 351000 (Sales, lettings and viewing enquiries)
01234 352201 (Professional services and general enquiries)
Buckingham: 01280 428010

Robinson & Hall has advised commercial owners and tenants on how to make the most of their commercial properties for generations, whether it be by carrying out pre-purchase surveys, schedules of condition, landlord and tenant advice, finding new tenants or adapting to suit commercial tenant requirements by extending or altering premises. Opportunities are currently available…

Many property owners will have buildings which fall under the above categories. Some may have occupancy issues additionally impacted by the current COVID pandemic. Each will have their own unique circumstances, however now may be the right time to think about how to plan for the future. Just because something has always been a certain…

A commercial client approached us in summer 2019 for advice as their current tenant, who had been in occupation for over 35 years, had just terminated their lease. The property was poorly maintained and the tenant had just walked away from the building leaving it in an untidy state, including a cellar full of documents….

Abel Bunu, Senior Planner at Robinson & Hall provides a planning update of key areas which may interest you. Permitted Development Rights (PDR) for two storey extensions New PDR for extensions above existing buildings came into force on 31st August 2020. The changes allow up to two extra storeys on an existing house or one…

We are delighted to announce that Natalie Scrafield joined our Residential Lettings department in October 2020 as Residential Lettings Assistant. Natalie loves being part of the Lettings team and believes in a proactive, not reactive approach to her daily role. Natalie is looking forward to working towards her ARLA Propertymark qualifications in the new year…

Andrew Barr, Head of Planning & Development at Robinson & Hall reports on these changes: We reported in the summer of government proposals on major changes to the planning system, designed to simplify the planning process and accelerate development. Proposed changes included the introduction of zoning areas which in certain ‘growth zones’ may mean that…

Our Residential Lettings department has been working tirelessly to implement new software systems to overcome the challenges that Covid-19 has brought to the industry. One of the main issues to overcome was how to move people into their new homes with minimum contact throughout the process. We have therefore introduced the following new processes: An…

A surge in the number of family homes being sold by Auction House has seen its average selling price rocket by 40% year on year across the country, from £103,400 in 2019 to £145,500 now. The group, operating as Auction House Robinson & Hall in this area, has made over £300 million worth of property…

One consequence of working from home is that we have much more time to keep an eye on our property. Whether it is building works or noticing issues with property boundaries, this has led to an increase in property related disputes. Get expert advice Where disputes have arisen between property owners and contractors or neighbours,…

The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has announced a new and final round of funding under the Countryside Productivity Small Grants Scheme, with a budget of £25 million guaranteed. The main aim of the scheme is to provide funding for farmers to purchase new equipment, which should consequently improve the productivity of…