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We are increasingly finding at the end of leases that the tenant has not kept up with the maintenance provisions, resulting in a damaged or dilapidated property. While a Schedule of Dilapidations served on tenants might recompense the situation, a landlord should make sure that the tenant is complying with the repairing covenants during the term of the lease.
Did you know Robinson & Hall carry out annual inspections on leasehold properties?
Robinson & Hall carry out regular inspections for all managed properties. If work is needed, a letter is issued to remind the tenant of their responsibilities under the lease and insist they maintain their building.
Recently we were approached by the owner of a property whose tenant had put off carrying out maintenance for several years to a listed office building in Bedford. Following an inspection, we served a notice of repair on the tenant and they have now completed the required works. This has resulted in the exterior being redecorated and repaired, including repairing rotten windows and replacing damaged roof slates. The landlord’s property has been protected from further deterioration and potential reduction in value. It has also reduced the likelihood of an extensive dilapidations claim at the end of the lease leaving the landlord in a better position to re-let the property.
For more information Robinson & Hall’s inspections and how we ensure your properties are protected from deterioration and reduction in value, please contact Stuart Brown,
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