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There are a variety of commercial uses which can revitalise your redundant buildings and help to maximise their income and potential.
Some of these potential uses are:
Each of these uses brings a range of demands and rewards and it is important to ensure that the selected use fits in with your existing enterprise.
By utilising these redundant buildings for a new purpose, they can be turned into facilities for new business and income.
Using the buildings for a commercial purpose can spread your income sources across different business areas and can therefore reduce your risk from relying on one sector of the market.
Once these buildings are let, they can be a continual income source which may not be impacted by the same elements as your existing business, therefore spreading your risk. The letting of a property for commercial purposes can require minimal input and involvement from yourselves for a substantial reward.
Using a building for an alternative purpose can motivate you to complete the repairs that have been required for the building for a period and provide the income for ongoing maintenance.
Using a building for a commercial purpose can help you maximise your property’s potential income and can future proof your assets.
What you need to consider:
Robinson & Hall can assist by providing advice on:
For more information or if you have a redundant building you would like advice on, please contact Tessa.
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